You breathe down my neck.
I can't stand it. I whirl around to face you, anger evident in my eyes.
You are not fazed. You expected it.
Was it only last night I saw you with that other girl? Making out at a bar, acting like you were the only two people left on the planet.
It was last night, but already it seems so far away.
I chose to move on, and it would have worked just fine if you hadn't shown up today.
Even as my anger burns me, I still love you. I know I do. I am not oblivious. I know this.
Yet I will not let you know. Instead, I shake my head at you and turn on my heel before storming away.
Are you really so innocent as to believe I would take you back after that?
I want to, but that doesn't matter.
This is the end of my whole life, but that doesn't really matter.
I can't go on like this, and even as I want you to understand I know you don't deserve to.
This is ridiculous. I don't know why I can't just leave you.
Oh, yeah, because I know that when I do, it'll really be over. The end. No pretty bells. No dazzling violin music. Just you, me, and our regretful goodbyes.
You tell me it was just to see if you still loved me, but I hardly hear you. Or rather, I do, I just don't care.
But even so, I still can't just walk away. I can't face the end.
You pull me into your arms, and I push out violently. Your face falls, but I feel nothing. Or, that is what I tell myself.
I shake my head at you. I don't understand why you're being so silly. Don't you realize we'reover?
And then it occurs to me that you don't know. That I haven't told you.
And I won't.
I never will.
It's too hard to say those words. My mouth can't form them, my lips won't say them.
Because where it really matters, I don't want to end of everything to come.
But I will face it nonetheless.
With one last, longing look at your face, the face I once looked at with such adoration, not the dangerous mixture of love and disgust, I turn away from you.
I take a step. My first step after the end of everything. And I wonder what happens after the end of everything.
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